According to Bloomberg, the Global Mobile Conference (MWC) is an important annual event where Huawei as the main sponsor polishes its name, especially in the field of mobile devices and telecommunications.

Huawei’s network equipment is being boycotted in some countries.

However, according to a report by Yahoo Finance, there has been a campaign from Washington to limit the appearance of Chinese brands, by involving allies in an emergency meeting before MWC 2019. Content in

Paul Paul Triolo, Head of Global Technology Policy Analysis at Eurasia Group, said MWC 2019 has become a place where the US – Huawei issue dominates.

Some observers assess that the company’s ability to entice European allies to join in boycotting Chinese businesses may not be very effective, especially when the company’s telecommunications equipment accounts for 50-80% depending on the country.

In the second half of 2018, the wave of `boycott` of Huawei’s telecommunications equipment took place quite strongly in the US, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

The US government has repeatedly accused Chinese businesses of stealing trade secrets, fraud, violating international sanctions and conspiring to launder money, although not all of them have evidence.

During his visit to Hungary in mid-February 2019, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the relationship with the ally would be affected if they did not refuse to restrict Huawei equipment.

However, the White House has also recently made soft moves.

Huawei’s rotating chairman, Ken Hu, also responded to Trump on Twitter later: `I completely agree. Our company is always truly ready to help the US build 5G networks, through competition.`

The US - Huawei 'war' at MWC 2019

Mr. Trump’s tweet and Huawei representative’s response.

Previously, Huawei always denied the accusations.

According to Reuters, Huawei’s telecommunications segment currently accounts for 28% of the global market share, followed by Ericsson, Nokia… Meanwhile, Samsung is increasing investment in 5G network equipment business with the expectation of filling the gap.