From the beginning of the year until now, a total of 24 officials at the provincial, ministerial level or higher in China have been knocked down.

A series of large mandarins

Both Ton Chinh Tai, Vuong Tam Van, Duong Hoan Ninh and Ly Cuong all held leadership positions, heads of localities or units.

Ton Chinh Tai

In 2006, Ton Chinh Tai was promoted to Minister of Agriculture at the age of 43.

Wang Sanyun held positions in 5 provinces: Guizhou, Sichuan, Fujian, Anhui, and Gansu respectively;

At the end of 2011, Yun was transferred to be Secretary of Gansu.

In 2008, Duong Hoan Ninh was a Standing Member and Secretary of the Party Committee of Hei Longjiang Province when he was promoted to Permanent Deputy Minister and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security;

Li Gang in 2014 was the Director of the Central Government Liaison Office in the Macao Special Administrative Region.

Lost his job 6 months after being discovered

Revealing techniques to eliminate corrupt officials in China

Vuong Tam Van

Ton Chinh Tai and Vuong Tam Van were both large corrupt officials who were defeated by the `Return Horse Spear` attack.

Vuong Man, Duong Chan Sieu, Duong Lo Du, Hoang Hung Quoc, and Ton Chinh Tai fell one after another.

From November 6, 2016 to January 5, 2017, central inspection team No. 11 re-inspected Chongqing.

A new documentary recently broadcast by Chinese television revealed that when the central inspection team re-inspected Gansu, they discovered clues of disciplinary violations by Provincial Party Secretary Wang Sanyun.

Mr. Truong Lap Binh, a member of the delegation, said `the denunciation letter and conversations show that Vuong Tam Van and his relatives have close relationships with private owners who have investments in Gansu.

From November 8, 2016 to January 6, 2017, inspection team No. 3 conducted a re-inspection of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee.

Information about Ly Cuong being investigated was announced by the National Assembly Standing Committee (UBTVQH).

“Special area”

Wang Sanyun holds key leadership positions in Anhui and Gansu provinces, where many high-ranking officials have fallen.

Some newspapers wrote: `The localities they hold power are all areas of serious disaster.`

Revealing techniques to eliminate corrupt officials in China

Duong Hoan Ninh

In Gansu, from the 18th Congress until the end of last year, only one provincial-ministerial official, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council Luc Vu Thanh, fell from his horse.

Chongqing, where Ton Chinh Tai is located, and the Ministry of Public Security, where Duong Hoan Ninh holds a position, also faced the important task of `purifying toxic residue`.

In January 2017, the central inspection team after re-inspecting Chongqing clearly stated: Some problems discovered after the first inspection were not corrected, and the toxic residue of Bo was not thoroughly removed.

Before being appointed to the position of General Director of Production Safety Supervision in October 2015, Duong Hoan Ninh worked for many years at the Ministry of Public Security, having 29 years of seniority in the industry.

On September 15, 2017, the Central Committee for Discipline Inspection posted on its website that, `From the 18th Congress until now, the discipline inspection team located at the Ministry of Public Security has thoroughly purged the influence of venom.`

Revealing techniques to eliminate corrupt officials in China

Ly Cuong

In just 1 month, the 19th Congress will open.

According to Ngo Tuyet
