Pheeraphat’s relatives gathered to watch news about the rescue of the team and coach.

The 12 young football players and their coach were discovered alive in Tham Luang cave on the night of July 2, bringing joy to their relatives, but there was still anxiety and worry because the rescue was very difficult and difficult.

At the house in Vieng Hom village of Pheeraphat Sompiengjai, one of the 12 boys trapped in the cave, the cake was still in the refrigerator waiting for him to come home for his birthday.

Relatives waited all that evening to celebrate Night’s 17th birthday (according to traditional Thai calculation), but he did not come home.

Night’s relatives said the boys on the football team from the previous day invited each other to buy snacks and then went into the cave to celebrate his birthday.

`We prepared dinner to celebrate his birthday and some relatives came to attend. The cake was in the refrigerator, I kept it there to surprise him,` Phunphatsa, Night’s older sister, shared.

When many hours passed and Night still did not return, the family knew that something bad had happened.

As the search and rescue mission continued over the past few days, the family kept the cake in the refrigerator because `we still hoped` the boy was alive, Phunphatsa added.

The Thai football player's family is stuck in a cave waiting for their child to come home for his birthday

The family still kept the cake in the refrigerator waiting for Night to come home for her birthday.

The village surrounded by rice fields and majestic mountains in northern Thailand is also home to three other boys on the football team who crashed.

However, rain is forecast to fall in the next few days, making the rescue even more complicated.

`He said hello, he’s Night, he’s very healthy. It’s so good to see him safe. I know he’ll be okay,` said Mrs. Supaluk, Night’s mother.

Night joined the team about a year ago and plays as goalkeeper.

`I feel like I will have to wait a long time, but it’s okay, as long as the boy is safe,` Phunphatsa said, adding that without Night, `the house is very deserted.`