On the morning of March 24, in the summary report of the President’s 2016 – 2021 term at the opening session of the National Assembly, General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong said this was a term with changes in personnel.

On October 23, 2018, at the 6th session, the XIV National Assembly elected General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to hold the position of President.

In his position, the President has `effectively performed his duties and powers according to the provisions of the Constitution and the tasks assigned by the Politburo and the Secretariat; paying special attention to construction work.`

General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong said that from the beginning of his term until now, the work of preventing and combating corruption, negativity and waste continues to be implemented drastically, synchronously, comprehensively and effectively, day by day.

General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong spoke before the National Assembly on the morning of March 24.

In his position as Head of the Central Judicial Reform Steering Committee, the President directed a summary of the Party’s leadership method on judicial reform and the Committee’s operating model over time;

The President’s special amnesty and early release of prisoners are also `considered carefully, objectively, democratically, and in accordance with regulations`, which has an educational effect and contributes to ensuring social order and safety.

`The work of considering applications for commutation of the death penalty is an issue related to human life and the strictness of the law. Therefore, the consideration of applications for commutation of the death penalty is carried out with extreme caution,`

Therefore, for complicated cases where public opinion is concerned, in addition to reviewing and considering the opinions of the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court and the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, the President

`There are many different opinions on this issue, especially judicial agencies. Everyone follows the law and has rights. Different opinions are very complicated,` he added.

In addition, in the last term, `implementing procedures for reviewing death sentences before execution, considering applications for commutation of death sentences and executing death sentences according to the provisions of law still encountered difficulties due to

'Fighting against corruption creates great alarm'

Party and State leaders and National Assembly delegates visit President Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum before the opening session of the session, on the morning of March 24.

In his capacity as Chairman of the National Defense and Security Council and commander of the people’s armed forces, the President chaired and directed meetings of the Politburo, Central Military Commission and Central Public Security Party Committee.

`Currently, we are also directing the development of a number of extremely important strategies, not to be surprised or passive in defense and security, in all directions, including the East, Southwest, North,

'Fighting against corruption creates great alarm'

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan before the opening of the meeting, the morning of March 24.

Emphasizing at all times, `The President strives to fully and effectively carry out his duties and powers according to the provisions of the Constitution and law…`, General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu

`Even when work is busy and difficult like Covid or the floods in the Central region, many new problems arise. Especially in the preparation period for the 13th Congress, there is countless work, from documents, personnel,

Also according to the General Secretary and President, there are times when, in matters related to the East Sea or relations with other countries, `it’s very delicate, very clever, but the whole political system does very well.`

Also this morning, presenting a work report for the 14th term, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said that in the past 5 years, the National Assembly and the National Assembly Standing Committee have issued 72 laws and 2 ordinances.

Among them, many new laws or policies were promulgated for the first time, having a major, comprehensive, and profound impact on socio-economic life, promptly meeting practical requirements such as Planning laws;

Many resolutions on mechanisms and policies are groundbreaking, demonstrating timeliness and determination, creating a legal corridor for organizational innovation, socio-economic development or solving problems.

`The resolution on pilot handling of bad debts of credit institutions has contributed to creating important changes in resolving bottlenecks in handling bad debts and restructuring the system of credit institutions`, Ms. Ngan

However, the Chairman of the National Assembly frankly admitted that legislative activities still have certain limitations, such as: The law and ordinance development program still needs many adjustments;

Ms. Ngan said, from practical activities over the past 5 years, the 14th National Assembly has drawn six lessons, including thoroughly grasping the ideology of taking the people as the root, being close to the people, understanding the people, and respecting the people;

During the 12 working days of the 11th session of the 14th National Assembly (from March 24 to April 8), delegates will evaluate the work of the National Assembly’s term;

In addition, the National Assembly will also consider and decide on the dismissal, election, and approval of a number of high-ranking personnel in the state apparatus `to stabilize the organization and cadres`.

Last term, the President signed a decision to promote the rank of general to 400 Army officers, including 319 from Colonel to Major General and Rear Admiral, of which one case was promoted posthumously;

The President also promoted the rank of general to 174 police officers, including 147 from Colonel to Major General;

In addition, the President signed a decision to strip the title of People’s Public Security from 4 general-level officers and demote 2 general-level officers.

Hoang Thuy