On the morning of July 3, at the regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense, Major General Nguyen Van Duc, Director of Propaganda Department (General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army) received a question about the progress of handling the case related to Mr.

Major General Duc said that in recent times, the Ministry of National Defense has repeatedly provided quite complete information about the Dinh Ngoc He case.

Major General Nguyen Van Duc.

Regarding the conclusion of the Central Inspection Committee regarding the violations of the Standing Committee of the Air Defense – Air Force Party Committee, including Senior Lieutenant General Phuong Minh Hoa and Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thanh, Mr. Duc said here.

According to Mr. Duc, the publication of the above content has shown the determination of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to promptly handle internal violations.

Regarding information on social networks that Lieutenant General Phuong Minh Hoa has been arrested, Mr. Duc affirmed that the Ministry of National Defense will direct the review and review of the individuals involved, however, `currently there is no case of Senior General Phuong Minh Hoa.`

Answering the question, whether the Air Defense – Air Force has any other violations in land management and use, Mr. Duc replied, there is currently a lot of information online about the use of defense land by this Army.

`Recently, the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense conducted an inspection and examination. The discovered violations were promptly reported to superiors according to their authority; some violations were clarified and handled.`

Regarding defense land conversion projects involving a number of organizations, Mr. Duc said there are currently no specific data so he will check and provide information later.

The Ministry of National Defense will publicly announce the handling of the 'Ut Troc' case

naitional defense

Previously on June 30, the Central Inspection Committee announced the conclusion that the Standing Committee of the Air Defense – Air Force Party Committee for the 2010 – 2015 term had allowed many violations and shortcomings in management,

Lieutenant General Phuong Minh Hoa, while holding the position of Secretary of the Party Committee, Political Commissar and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Commander of the Air Defense – Air Force, was mainly responsible for the violations and shortcomings of the Standing Committee.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thanh, former Secretary of the Party Committee, former Political Commissar of the Air Defense and Air Force, is responsible for the violations and shortcomings of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee for the 2010-2015 term;

In May 2018, the Ministry of National Defense informed that the authorities had prosecuted the case and prosecuted the accused against Colonel Phung Danh Tham, General Director of Thai Son Corporation, Ministry of National Defense and Colonel Bui Van Tiep.

On December 3, 2017, the Criminal Investigation Agency – Ministry of National Defense also decided to prosecute the case, prosecute the accused, and temporarily detain Dinh Ngoc He, former Deputy General Director of Thai Corporation.

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