Cho Ray Hospital informed that the patient was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 7A, Covid-19 Resuscitation Hospital in Thu Duc City, on August 14.

After treatment through the acute psychosis stage, to help the patient stabilize his mind, the hospital regularly contacts and coordinates with relatives to apply psychotherapy.

Before leaving, when the doctor told her that her husband and children were stable after quarantine and advised them to take care of their health, the woman cried a lot and repeatedly apologized to the doctors and nurses.

`Thank you, doctors, for giving birth to me again and giving me a second life. I also apologize because when I first entered the hospital, I was afraid, panicked and acted uncooperatively,` she wrote in the letter.

A letter of thanks and apology from the female patient to the doctors, nurses, and volunteers at the Covid-19 Recovery Hospital before she was discharged.

According to a survey by the Covid-19 Recovery Hospital, 53.3% of patients here have anxiety disorders, 16.7% stress and 20% depression.

Faced with actual needs, the hospital invited volunteers who are nuns, psychology doctor Tri Thi Minh Thuy, a psychotherapist from Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities to survey and advise.

Dr. Ngo Xuan Diep, Head of the Department of Psychology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, said the school has implemented the `Mental Vaccine` program to support people’s mental health.

Initially, experts found that F0 often suffered from anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, fear of death, stress, severe insomnia, prolonged headaches… Many patients even wanted to give up treatment.

According to Dr. Diep, there are many causes leading to psychological and psychiatric problems in Covid-19 patients during and after treatment, including the fear of the epidemic lasting forever;

`In particular, many F0 suffer terrible psychological erosion when having difficulty breathing,` Dr. Diep shared.

He analyzed that the virus attacks the airways, causing pneumonia and respiratory failure.

With mild F0, the shortness of breath stops and the panic immediately stops.

To support Covid-19 patients, `Spiritual Vaccine` program experts will group patients to find appropriate solutions.

Severe F0 has acute psychosis

Doctor Tran Thanh Linh, deputy director of Covid-19 Resuscitation Hospital, Thu Duc City, held hands while talking to an F0 who had both severe Covid-19 and colon cancer, after the patient was successfully weaned off the ventilator.

At the press conference on the afternoon of September 21, doctor Nguyen Van Vinh Chau, Deputy Director of the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City, said that recently, when Covid-19 patients had mental problems, medical facilities

Ho Chi Minh City Mental Hospital also has a team of doctors and experts who continuously consult for these cases.

Previously, to be ready to respond to the new situation, the city converted part of the functions of the Psychiatric Hospital 2 (Le Minh Xuan commune, Binh Chanh district) into Le Minh Xuan Covid-19 Treatment Hospital.

As of the afternoon of September 22, Ho Chi Minh City recorded 353,655 Covid-19 cases announced by the Ministry of Health.