Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is the next installment in the DC Comics superhero film series, after Man of Steel (2013).
Batman and Superman are at odds with each other in the movie.
Unlike Marvel movies (which are fun and humorous), DC Comics movies often have a dark atmosphere with characters with clear personalities and harsh pasts.
The antagonism between Batman and Superman is not only revealed in confrontations but also in the background of each character.
Therefore, Batman and Superman have different fates but they make viewers sympathetic in their own details.
Beauty Gal Gadot shines as the sexy daughter of the goddess of war.
In addition to editing the film according to the antagonistic structure, the plot is built according to the investigative style of a crime film.
Gathering three famous characters and thoroughly telling three separate story lines about Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, the film’s length is up to 151 minutes.
The performances of the three main stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Gal Gadot are perfect.
An action scene in the movie.
The screenplay has many valuable lines – helping to highlight the themes of power and democracy.
Although the film has few action scenes, they are epic, realistic and create a dramatic atmosphere for the work.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was released in Vietnam on the same day as the US – March 25.
Movie trailer `Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice`
Movie trailer ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of justice’