The National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control (Steering Committee) stated the above comments at a meeting on the afternoon of May 14, after analyzing the epidemic control situation in two localities.

`The speed of disease control in these two localities is slower than expected, one of the reasons is the slow testing speed. The Ministry of Health must increase support for Bac Ninh and Bac Giang for two days, at most

Bac Giang’s testing capacity reaches 1,500 samples per day.

To overcome the above problem, Bac Giang province asked Quang Ninh to support testing.

Medical staff take Covid-19 test samples in Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province, May 2021.

At the meeting, Prof.

Regarding this issue, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam said that the Ministry of Health recently received opinions from scientists and localities to have instructions for combining types of tests and testing technology.

He asked the Ministry of Health to organize a group of testing experts to support epidemic localities, similar to the operating mechanism of the group of experts to support the treatment of severe Covid-19 cases.

At the Steering Committee meeting on May 12, localities reflected the lack of rapid testing biological products.

However, ordering rapid testing biological products is very difficult, so most provinces are using rapid testing biological products sponsored by businesses.

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam asked Da Nang to summarize the method of testing pooled samples (10-20 samples) into instructions to share with different localities.

The Ministry of Health accelerates the licensing of new testing technology, which is faster and cheaper, allowing more screening;

From April 27 until now, Vietnam has recorded 788 cases of community Covid-19 infection, in 26 provinces and cities;

Write Tuan