VnExpress interviewed Mr. Pham Xuan Thang – Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee, about the epidemic situation 7 days after the Covid-19 case in the community was discovered in this province.

– How is the current situation of the Covid-19 epidemic in the locality, sir?

– The first case of infection came from Poyun company in Chi Linh city and then spread to other districts.

After that first case, we sealed off, traced, and quarantined the exact location where the disease originated.

However, before that, because workers returned to their families after work, the epidemic spread to residential areas.

Updated at 12:00 noon on February 4, the whole province recorded 278 positive cases of nCoV, concentrated in some places such as Chi Linh City and Kinh Mon town.

The entire province has quarantined more than 8,000 F1 cases, Chi Linh alone has more than 6,000, and traced more than 21,000 F2 cases.

The number of new cases on February 4 is 37 cases (accumulated from yesterday to noon February 4).

All 278 infected people were taken by the province for treatment at two field hospitals located at Chi Linh City Medical Center and Hai Duong University of Medical Technology.

Mr. Pham Xuan Thang, Secretary of Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee.

– What are the solutions that Hai Duong has implemented to control the epidemic?

– We have a consistent motto of being proactive, calm, confident, determined and 4 on the spot.

To meet testing needs, the province has coordinated with Viet A company, increasing the total testing sample to a maximum of 10,000 samples per day.

Secretary of Hai Duong: 'Initially controlling the epidemic'

Quarantine checkpoints are set up at the gates of industrial parks.

Currently, it can be said that the basic epidemic situation is initially under control, but the developments are still complicated, so we are determined not to be subjective.

– How is the tracing done so that thousands of F1 and F2 can be found in a short time, sir?

– We trace using two methods.

Along with tracing, the province directed each district to establish a rapid response team.

Secretary of the Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee Pham Xuan Thang (second from right) inspected the F1 quarantine center in Kim Thanh district on the afternoon of February 4.

– Faced with the complicated developments of the epidemic, how will Hai Duong people celebrate Tet?

– For people being quarantined in concentrated areas, the province has proactively had a policy of increasing the food level during the 3 days of Tet, adding 100,000 VND per day per person, to support people in having a Tet atmosphere.

Thus, each person in the quarantine area during Tet days will be supported 500,000 VND.

For people in the blockade area, essential items are still fully supplied, without scarcity.

As for the administrative units that have not been blocked, people celebrate Tet normally.

Thus, celebrating Tet in Hai Duong is basically still going on normally.

For those of us who are leading the fight against the epidemic and the functional forces on the front lines, even though we have initially controlled the epidemic, we have a lot of work to do, and we cannot afford to be negligent.

Hoang Thuy