(Dan Tri) – Based on leaked information related to the recording of air traffic exchanges with two planes that crashed at Haneda airport (Tokyo), some experts believe that the accident may have been caused by human error.

Passenger plane burned down (Photo: Kyodo).

NHK, citing well-informed sources, said that an air traffic controller at Haneda airport allowed Japan Airlines plane number JAL516 to approach runway 34 at 5:43 p.m. on January 2, local time.

Japan Airlines confirmed that the plane’s crew repeated the announcement from air traffic control before approaching and landing.

A source from the Japanese Ministry of Transport said that cockpit voice recorder data showed that air traffic control at that time also informed the crew on the Coast Guard plane to avoid the runway.

However, a source from the Japan Coast Guard said the plane’s pilot had received notification that he was allowed to take off.

Haneda Airport has not commented on the recording content.

`Normally only one aircraft is allowed to enter the runway, but even though (JAL516) was granted permission to land, the Japan Coast Guard aircraft remained on the runway,` said expert Hiroyuki Kobayashi.

Revealing the exchange with the ground of the Japanese plane before it burned

The Coast Guard plane burned down (Photo: AP).

Kyodo news agency quoted a Tokyo police spokesman as saying that a special working group was established at Haneda airport to investigate the scene and interrogate those involved in the serious collision between the plane and the plane.

The Japanese Ministry of Transport (JTSB) also conducted a parallel investigation in cooperation with experts from France and the UK.

The cause of this rare collision is unknown, but some aviation experts believe that this may have been due to human error.

`It is very likely that this was a human error,` said Hiroyuki Kobayashi, a former Japan Airlines pilot and currently an aviation analyst.

After the collision between two planes, all nearly 400 people on flight JAL516 escaped safely, while 5 people on the Coast Guard plane died, only one person survived.

Talking about the accident, a female passenger said that while the plane was landing, she suddenly saw the plane bounce, seemingly colliding with something below.

`The flight crew instructed us to duck down, cover our noses and mouths to avoid toxic smoke. About 5 minutes later, passengers began to be evacuated, at this time the fire was spreading very quickly.

Close-up of a passenger plane burning down at a Japanese airport

The plane was burned down

After the collision, the Airbus A350, flight number JAL516 of Japan Airlines, caught fire.

All 379 passengers and crew were able to evacuate in about 20 minutes, but then fire engulfed the plane and continued to burn for more than 6 hours.

Authorities were forced to temporarily suspend operations of the entire runway at the airport.

Photos and videos posted on Japanese media showed the plane burned to ashes.