The truck caused a horrific massacre in Nice, France on Independence Day.
Shootings, suicide bombings, stabbings, and terrorist attacks by trucks have been happening all over the world in recent times.
However, in some recent terrorist attacks, it seems that IS’s propaganda machine was also surprised and did not immediately issue a statement claiming responsibility like previous attacks.
In those `lone wolf` terrorist attacks, the attackers did not inform IS in advance that they would carry out shootings, car crashes, bombings… in the name of this organization.
During the massacre in Paris late last year, IS’s claim of responsibility came out soon after with lots of details, accompanied by videos and photos.
`They are doing the same job as analysts, which is to follow the news about attacks and try to find out whether they come from ISIS ideology or not,` J.M.
After a man blew himself up in the city of Ansbach, Germany on July 24, it took Amaq 19 hours before declaring the attack was carried out by someone inspired by IS.
In the case of Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel using a truck to kill a series of people in the city of Nice, France, a day and a half later the IS media channel spoke up.
`With these incited attacks, the IS media people in Syria don’t even know the suspects. They have no connection to each other,` said Amarnath Amarasingam, an extremism researcher.
The delay in claims of responsibility shows that IS needs time to establish a solid link between the attacker and the organization, proving that the organization is also very interested in releasing accurate information
`They are quite careful about it. They often express themselves a bit,` said expert Berger.
Accept it
Islamic State (IS) fighters.
Recently, as IS continuously lost control areas in Iraq and Syria and suffered many heavy defeats on the battlefield, the influence of the rebels has seriously declined.
In some cases, IS still claims responsibility even when the perpetrator’s connection to the organization is tenuous.
Amaq immediately confirmed that these people were `soldiers of the Islamic state`.
`Taking responsibility` for the attacks has at times humiliated IS.
However, despite the risk of being humiliated as in the above case, IS still benefits from claiming that these attacks were instigated by the group, to amplify the threat posed by the group.
After the murder of a pastor in France on July 26, IS quickly claimed responsibility.
The statement released by Amaq called the attacker an `executioner` and `soldier of the Islamic State`, but also did not admit that IS did not directly order the attack.
However, Amaq claimed to have information from an `inside source`, who according to analyst Amarasingam could be one of those who contacted the suspect when he tried to find a way to Syria last year but failed.
`It’s part of IS propaganda policy,` Amarasingam said.
See more: Golden Division – the army that washed away the stains from the war against IS
The Black Devil Army – IS’s nightmare on the Iraqi battlefield