After the tax increase from 10% to 25% took effect, in a series of tweets yesterday, US President Donald Trump also said: `The process of imposing 25% tax on the remaining 325 billion USD of Chinese goods exported to

Everything could become more expensive if President Trump carries out his threat and soon imposes more taxes on the remaining $325 billion worth of Chinese goods.

Most electronics, toys and shoes are still protected today.

However, Trump is running out of goods to tax, and the expanded tariffs he threatened over the weekend could lead to 25% tariffs on all $325 billion worth of imports from China.

A toy production worker in a factory in Jiangsu, China.

According to an analysis by the Peterson Institute for InternationalĀ Economics, the tariffs would hit 100% of toys and sporting goods imported from China to the US, as well as 93% of footwear and 91% of textiles.

The new threat makes both small and large toy companies afraid that they will have to increase prices and reduce sales this holiday season.

`We’re in a low-margin business. If the price goes up 25 percent for a $10 toy, people won’t buy it,` Pasierb said.

Sage Chandler – Vice President of the Consumer Technology Association said that a long list of consumer electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, televisions, wireless headphones, drones… may also be subject to tariffs.

Apple – a technology company that mainly assembles phones in China, refused to comment on this information.

Moody’s predicts that the new tax increase will reduce China’s GDP by 1.2 percentage points.