The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut, claimed the lives of 28 people, including 20 children aged 5 to 10, shocking the whole world.
Hollywood stars took to social sites such as Facebook and Twitter to express their condolences to the victims of the shooting.
Jessica Alba wrote: `This is terrible. I feel pain in my heart. So sad…`.
Hilary Duff could not contain her disappointment: `God, I was shocked to hear this news. My heart was broken when I read about the children. What happened? I send my prayers to the family.`
Susan Sarandon and Ben Stiller actively call for controlling the use and sale of guns in America.
In addition to expressing condolences and prayers for the victim’s family, many artists called for America to be stricter on the arms trade to prevent horrifying tragedies like this from continuing to happen.
Actress Susan Sarandon said: `How much more suffering and loss will there be if the arms business in America remains in its current state?`.
TV star Kourtney Kardashian also joined the calls for gun control: `If this tragedy doesn’t change America’s thinking about using guns and selling them, I just want to scream and cry.
Actress Rashida Jones wrote a rather long post on her personal page: `Guns control our only way to freedom. I’m so sad. We need the law now. The shooting fanatics remind them
The shooting that claimed the lives of more than 20 people, including many children between the ages of 5 and 10, at Sandy Hook Elementary School shocked the world in the past two days.
Piers Morgan was bolder, saying: `This is President Obama’s biggest challenge. He needs to have the courage to fight the illegal arms trade across the United States.`
The murderer of the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was Adam Lanza, only 20 years old and whose mother was a teacher at the school.
After the tragedy, President Obama appeared on television and spoke with tears in his eyes: `We have endured so many tragedies in recent years. When I heard the news, my feeling was the same as the parents’.
President Obama wipes away the water while speaking about the tragedy.
`Tonight, my wife, Michelle, and I will do what all American parents do right now – hold our kids tight. But families in Connecticut can no longer do that.
In the past year, America has experienced two horrific shootings.
Nguyen Minh