Yep, the first person to appear in court to testify in Meng Wanzhou’s extradition case, told the British Columbia Supreme Court today that he received a request from the government to `immediately arrest` Huawei’s chief financial officer.

`We discussed getting on the plane to arrest the suspect, but we thought that was not a good option for the safety of the officers and the public,` Yep said.

Manh Van Chu left his home in Vancouver to appear at the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, on October 26.

Manh Van Chu was arrested while transiting at Vancouver airport on December 1, 2018.

Yep said US officials instructed their Canadian colleagues to seize Manh Van Chu’s phone and laptop and place them in a `Faraday bag`, a type of bag designed to block all wireless transmissions to prevent fraud.

Yep said he `didn’t know too much` about Meng Wanzhou or Huawei before she came to Canada.

Meng Wanzhou’s legal team requested a hearing this week to convince Judge Heather Holmes that Canadian police and border guards violated Meng’s rights by interrogating her and searching her devices.

Next week, they will argue that the police confiscation and transfer of the contents of Meng’s electronic devices to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

According to court documents, Manh’s legal team accused Canadian and US officials of `conspiring to delay Manh’s arrest and attempt to gather information to help US authorities prosecute Manh for fraud.`

Lawyers for the Canadian Department of Justice have argued that the police and the Department of Justice did not violate any of Meng Wanzhou’s rights, nor did they conspire with the United States to violate her rights.

Canadian border officers will testify in court this week about what happened at Vancouver airport.

This group of lawyers plans to argue that US President Donald Trump prevented Ms. Meng from having a fair trial by declaring immediately after her arrest that Huawei’s chief financial officer could be exchanged for trade concessions.