Similar to the unusual election campaign due to the impact of Covid-19, President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony is expected to be unlike any US leader’s swearing-in ceremony in modern history.

The traditional luncheon following the swearing-in ceremony, usually held in State Capitol Statuary Hall, and its dancing may be canceled.

Throughout the campaign, Biden followed health guidelines to control the pandemic.

This task is even more important in the context that Biden must establish legitimacy in the face of President Donald Trump’s efforts to eliminate him.

US President-elect Joe Biden spoke at a press conference in Wilmington, Delaware, on November 19.

`Things will not be like previous inaugurations, and I think Biden will not hide that. In my opinion, he will not try to whitewash the country’s situation when he takes office, because that would be trying to dispel

One of the most unusual aspects may be the absence of President Trump.

`Similar to many other things, there is no way Trump will comply or respect traditions and norms, which are not stipulated in law, even though previous presidents have followed them. I think Trump cannot attend a

Biden’s team of advisers is expected to rely on the Democratic convention as a model for the inauguration, in which a crowded event will be moved almost entirely online, despite the grand inauguration.

Even if the swearing-in ceremony is conducted in person, some side events are likely to be primarily online.

`There will definitely be changes. Obviously this will not be the type of inauguration we have seen before,` Ron Klain, who Biden appointed as future White House chief of staff, said on March 22.

According to Klain’s description, the inauguration is expected to combine some of the streaming techniques that Biden’s team used during the Democratic convention, along with `a scaled-down version of existing traditions.`

Despite the changes, Biden’s team is said to still want to take advantage of the energy that a large number of people showed after the media announced Biden had won the US presidency, with parties exploding on the streets.

Crowds are expected to flock to Washington, DC no matter what Biden’s team plans.

`There are many ways to organize it. The most important thing is to both ensure safety and create a common voice for the country, avoiding doing anything irresponsible,` said Steve Kerrigan, who has run two inauguration ceremonies.

`I have been friends with and supported Biden since the mid-1990s. I would like nothing more than the wonderful and crowded inauguration he deserves. However, that scenario will not happen, because the

Biden has not yet appointed a Presidential Inaugural Committee, a group that helps plan events on the sidelines of the swearing-in ceremony.

Traditionally, the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court will preside over the oath-taking ceremony at the inauguration ceremony, but this year this has not been clarified.

Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, Biden’s advisers and allies remain hopeful for the success of the inauguration, although perhaps on a much smaller scale than before.

`I think we may have to socially distance. But whether apart or together, it will still be a great party. Wear a mask and wash your hands,` Jean-Pierre said.