Many factors that lead to infertility such as genetics, age and medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis… cannot be controlled.

Prolonged stress

Stress can lead to reduced fertility in women, and for men, stress can also increase the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Weight disorders

A 2017 study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that couples who are both obese may need 59% more time to conceive than couples of normal weight.

In addition to excess body fat, having too little fat can also affect fertility in women.

Having too little sex

[Having sex regularly on many days during the menstrual cycle helps increase conception rates in couples.

Having sex around the time of ovulation helps increase the rate of successful conception but does not mean excluding other days.

Exercising too hard

Whether you’re trying to conceive or not, exercise has significant benefits.

Research shows that intense physical activity can negatively affect fertility in women.

Loss of appetite, loss of appetite

Fertility and diet have been shown to be linked.

On the contrary, a diet rich in unsaturated fats and foods such as whole grains, fish… can have a positive impact on fertility such as helping to increase conception rates in women and improving fertility.


People with the habit of smoking also negatively affect fertility.

If you are worried about infertility in both men and women, see a specialist to find the cause and get timely treatment.