Carbohydrates are a fuel source that provides energy for the body, but can increase blood sugar levels.

Corn: High in fiber, low in sugar.

Carbohydrates are a fuel source that provides energy for the body, but can increase blood sugar levels.

Corn: High in fiber, low in sugar.

5 starchy vegetables that diabetics should limit

Potatoes: One cup (about the size of a fist) of potatoes contains 11 g carbs, 6.5 g sugar, 5.5 g protein.

Potatoes: One cup (about the size of a fist) of potatoes contains 11 g carbs, 6.5 g sugar, 5.5 g protein.

5 starchy vegetables that diabetics should limit

Peas: Half a cup of peas has up to 12 g of carbs, with a high sugar content of nearly 8 g in half a cup.

Peas: Half a cup of peas has up to 12 g of carbs, with a high sugar content of nearly 8 g in half a cup.

5 starchy vegetables that diabetics should limit

Artichokes: Half a cup (roughly the size of a cupped palm) of artichokes contains 13 g carbs, 7 g sugar.

Artichokes: Half a cup (roughly the size of a cupped palm) of artichokes contains 13 g carbs, 7 g sugar.

5 starchy vegetables that diabetics should limit

Sweet potatoes: This tuber contains starch but is low in calories and sugar.

100 g of sweet potatoes has nearly 29 g of carbs.

Sweet potatoes: This tuber contains starch but is low in calories and sugar.

100 g of sweet potatoes has nearly 29 g of carbs.

Anh Chi (According to Eating Well)

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