(Dan Tri) – US President Donald Trump and leading medical advisors recommend that Americans strictly comply with social isolation measures as the next two weeks are forecast to be a `very painful` time.

US President Donald Trump (Photo: Reuters)

Speaking at a press conference at the White House on March 31, President Donald Trump said: `This is an extremely important time for Americans to comply with regulations (on epidemic prevention) in the next 30 days.

The White House owner emphasized: `I want all Americans to be mentally ready for the extremely difficult days ahead.

However, Mr. Trump was also optimistic about `the light at the end of the tunnel` saying: `We will see things get better, everything will suddenly be like a beam of light.`

Immediately after President Trump’s warnings, leading medical experts on the US Covid-19 response steering committee released a series of analyzes showing that social isolation measures can save thousands of lives.

The death toll could rise to 240,000

However, Dr. Deborah Birx warned that even when social isolation measures are applied, the number of deaths from Covid-19 in the US could still reach 100,000 to 240,000 people.

The expert added: “There are no miracles and there are currently no miracle treatments or vaccines.

The above warnings were issued in the context of the number of deaths from Covid-19 in the US on March 31 increasing to a record of at least 811 cases, bringing the total number of deaths from this epidemic here to about 3,815 cases.

According to statistics on the Worldometers website, yesterday, the US recorded nearly 24,000 new cases, bringing the total number of infected people to more than 187,000 cases.

Covid-19 is more dangerous than seasonal flu

For his part, President Trump said that he has responded `very well` to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mr. Trump seems to have changed his opinion when he implicitly admitted that Covid-19 is more dangerous than regular seasonal flu.

President Trump said he may consider recommending that all people wear masks in public places to limit the risk of Covid-19 infection.

Minh PhuongAccording to Reuters