The campaign lasts from July to April 2022.

`The strategic goal is to vaccinate people every year for free to achieve herd immunity nationwide,` the Prime Minister emphasized.

Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long said that the largest vaccination campaign in history will ensure vaccination of 150 million doses of negotiated and purchased vaccines, creating community immunity in late 2021 and early 2022. `The goal is

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health announced the expansion of vaccine priority groups to 16 groups.

According to Mr. Long, this campaign has many changes compared to previous nationwide vaccination activities.

The Ministry of Health has revised professional guidance in the direction of promoting the application of information technology, vaccination management through electronic health books, and issuing QR codes to vaccinated people as a basis for later issuance of vaccine passports;

Medical and vaccination staff at the launching ceremony at the Ministry of National Defense, on the morning of July 10.

Chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee Chu Ngoc Anh said Hanoi is the fastest locality to complete the Covid-19 vaccination target.

Hanoi has issued a plan to deploy vaccination throughout the area, dividing scenarios into modules, including 50,000 doses, 100,000 doses, which can reach a maximum of 200,000 people per module;

Previously, Vietnam deployed Covid-19 vaccination to priority groups such as localities with epidemics, medical staff, police, military on the front lines of fighting the epidemic, workers… As of 4:00 p.m.

Also on the morning of July 10, the Ministry of Health received over 2 million doses of Moderna vaccine through the Covax Mechanism, 63 vaccine transport vehicles and 63 mobile vaccination vehicles.
