Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico on May 15 attended a government meeting in Handlova, a town about 150 km from the capital Bratislava.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico on May 15 attended a government meeting in Handlova, a town about 150 km from the capital Bratislava.

Panoramic scene of the Slovakian Prime Minister being shot

The moment the Prime Minister of Slovakia was shot

The suspect then mingled with the crowd, waited for Mr. Fico to approach and immediately pulled out a gun to attack him.

Witnesses in the crowd said they were not searched before Mr. Fico approached them.

Panoramic scene of the Slovakian Prime Minister being shot

Mr. Fico’s bodyguard team then divided into two action groups, one group coordinated with area security staff to suppress the suspect, the other group used their bodies to shield him and put him in a car to move to a safe place.

Mr. Fico’s bodyguard team then divided into two action groups, one group coordinated with area security staff to suppress the suspect, the other group used their bodies to shield him and put him in a car to move to a safe place.

Panoramic scene of the Slovakian Prime Minister being shot

The suspect is Juraj Cintula, 71 years old, from the town of Levice, who worked as a security officer for a private security company and was legally allowed to own a gun.

Cintula expressed opposition to the policies of the Slovak government.

After his arrest, Cintula expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s `policies restricting press freedom`, apparently referring to the controversial push to reform Slovakia’s radio and television services.

The suspect is Juraj Cintula, 71 years old, from the town of Levice, who worked as a security officer for a private security company and was legally allowed to own a gun.

Cintula expressed opposition to the policies of the Slovak government.

After his arrest, Cintula expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s `policies restricting press freedom`, apparently referring to the controversial push to reform Slovakia’s radio and television services.

Panoramic scene of the Slovakian Prime Minister being shot

Police cordoned off and searched for clues at the scene.

Police cordoned off and searched for clues at the scene.

Panoramic scene of the Slovakian Prime Minister being shot

After the shooting, the Prime Minister of Slovakia was transported by helicopter to the hospital in the city of Banska Bystrica, in the central part of the country, because the process of traveling to the capital Bratislava took too long, while he needed urgent treatment.

After the shooting, the Prime Minister of Slovakia was transported by helicopter to the hospital in the city of Banska Bystrica, in the central part of the country, because the process of traveling to the capital Bratislava took too long, while he needed urgent treatment.

While he was undergoing surgery, security forces were on duty outside.

While he was undergoing surgery, security forces were on duty outside.

Prime Minister Fico’s treatment area is strictly protected, with many layers of security.

Prime Minister Fico’s treatment area is strictly protected, with many layers of security.

Media units are also stationed outside the hospital to continuously update Mr. Fico’s health situation.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment of Slovakia Tomas Taraba said Mr. Fico was out of danger.

Slovakia, a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU), has little history of political violence.

Media units are also stationed outside the hospital to continuously update Mr. Fico’s health situation.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment of Slovakia Tomas Taraba said Mr. Fico was out of danger.

Slovakia, a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU), has little history of political violence.

Photo: AFP/Reuters