In the 90s, in addition to the famous beautiful Hong Kong beauties on the screen of Hong Kong, this place also gathered many beauty treasures of the island nation of Singapore.

Among them, if Pham Van Phuong, Tran Tu Le, and Quach Phi Le currently all have happy and wealthy lives, Trinh Tu Tran has encountered many incidents and obstacles in her career and love life.

Bankrupt, defaulted on 8 billion debt at age 25

Trinh Tu Tran was born in 1975. At the age of 20, she excellently won the `Talented Young Actor` award from Singapore.

From 1995 to 2006, Trinh Tu Tran was one of the most prominent female stars on the screen of the lion island nation.

In particular, the role of Dong Phuong Bu Bai is considered the brightest point in the actress’s career.

If Lam Thanh Ha is considered the most magical Dong Phuong Bu Bai on screen, Trinh Tu Tran shows off a unique malevolence that few actresses can match.

Once considered a treasured beauty of Singapore with a brilliant career, her life suddenly sank into a seemingly irreversible crisis at the age of 25.

At that time, in parallel with acting and singing, Trinh Tu Tran also invested heavily in the stock market.

Dong Phuong Bu Bai classic: 25 years old, 8 billion in debt, divorced from a tycoon, how is life now?
Dong Phuong Bu Bai classic: 25 years old, 8 billion in debt, divorced from a tycoon, how is life now?

Having lost all her money and falling into debt, Tu Tran had all her assets confiscated by the court, from her house to clothes, jewelry… forcing her to declare bankruptcy at the age of 25.

At that time, the beauty born in 1975 was the first female artist to declare bankruptcy, causing her name to be severely affected.

She had difficulty getting a visa to go to Hong Kong to film, and was also sentenced by the Singapore court to not leave her place of residence for 3 months.

At that time, Trinh Tu Tran was dating a rich young man from Singapore, but the beauty insisted on repaying the debt on her own and did not ask for help.

To have money to pay off debt, Trinh Tu Tran nodded to almost anything.

Possessing a hot body and existing reputation, Tu Tran easily earned a huge amount of money from filming famous hot movies in Hong Kong at that time.

`I’m bankrupt, out of money, but I don’t sell myself cheaply for wealth,` the actress frankly shared.

Tu Tran then had to work hard to earn money to pay off the debt.

In 2004, Dong Phuong Bubai announced that she had paid off all her debts and was determined to start over.

Successful through business, divorced her husband after 8 years of marriage

Returning to movies, Trinh Tu Tran emotionally shared: `After returning to the screen, I told myself to start over from the beginning, not worrying about the past. In addition, I also exercise

However, just after 1 year of reappearing, she suddenly announced that she would temporarily suspend her artistic activities to focus on her business.

Thanks to her excellent business talent and hard work that is not afraid of hardship, just a few years later, her center has expanded its branches in many Asian countries.

Possessing a prosperous business career, in 2010, Trinh Tu Tran announced that she would marry Singaporean tycoon Brian Wong.

Dong Phuong Bu Bai classic: 25 years old, 8 billion in debt, divorced from a tycoon, how is life now?

In July 2011, the two welcomed their first child, Zavier, with overwhelming happiness.

Sharing the divorce announcement on her personal page, Trinh Tu Tran still decided to keep the reason for the divorce a secret.

`Happiness should not depend on anyone, you should only rely on yourself. If you are happy, then you can bring it to others. I don’t think I don’t have to explain the reason for divorce to anyone.`

Dong Phuong Bu Bai classic: 25 years old, 8 billion in debt, divorced from a tycoon, how is life now?

The actress’s announcement surprised and regretted fans because before that, she often shared sweet moments with her husband and children.

After the divorce, Trinh Tu Tran took care of her son alone.

On her personal page, she often shares happy moments playing, exercising, and traveling with her son.

Dong Phuong Bu Bai classic: 25 years old, 8 billion in debt, divorced from a tycoon, how is life now?

At the age of 45, although she can no longer maintain her youthful beauty, Trinh Tu Tran still makes many people admire her thanks to her determination and continuous striving to build a happy life for herself.