A lot of fake designer handbags are made in China, this is not new news and is a story that has existed for many years.

A few days ago, Chinese media reported that a case of selling fake Louis Vuitton (LV) leather bags through the WeChat platform, with more than 30 people involved, was prosecuted in Shanghai.

The incident happened in December 2019, when security agencies discovered someone selling LV brand bags suspected of being counterfeit through the Wechat platform in large quantities.

Inside the factory providing raw materials to make fake LV bags.

To increase sales, these people even go to the store to buy real bags to disassemble them to learn about the exact materials.

Not only that, they also bribed an LV salesperson, after buying more than a dozen bags from this person, from which they obtained internal information such as product designs and illustrations.

These counterfeit products are often wholesaled and distributed for only 15 to 30 USD, then they are sold for 70 to 100 USD.

Scary with the `class` of Chinese counterfeiters: Fake LV bags have anti-counterfeit NFC chips, even though real bags don't have any

LV fake bags have an integrated NFC chip that displays product information when connecting a smartphone.

But the most surprising thing is that the criminal gang also developed their own efforts to produce so-called anti-counterfeit cards based on NFC technology, from the Internet.

After successful research and development, this group bought a large number of NFC chips for $0.15 a dozen, implanting the chips into bags.

According to LV’s brand representative, genuine bags do not have such an NFC sensor chip, and all bags with NFC sensor function connecting to mobile phones are counterfeit.

Scary with the `class` of Chinese counterfeiters: Fake LV bags have anti-counterfeit NFC chips, even though real bags don't have any

It is very difficult to distinguish fake LV bags from today’s high-end imitation technology.

Industry experts also point out that the products of counterfeit manufacturers are increasingly `fake` making it difficult for consumers to distinguish what is real and what is fake.

These counterfeit goods are flooding online and second-hand markets, causing a lot of trouble for both merchants and consumers.

Refer to Sohu