Here’s what you need to know about HBO’s Watchmen TV series, the masterpiece that promises to be a replacement for the hit TV series Game of Thrones in the near future.

Considered one of the best comic books of all time, Watchmen is a story launched by DC Comics in the mid-80s of the last century.

It all started with the death of Comedian, a superhero from the disbanded superhero group called Watchmen.

Watchmen ends with the superheroes realizing that the person behind the entire conspiracy is Ozymandias, who created a giant monster that caused a terrible disaster in New York City.

HBO's TV blockbuster Watchmen and 10 things you need to know about this movie (Part 1)

Among the superheroes, only Rorschach decided to leave to announce Ozymandias’ plot to the world, forcing Doctor Manhattan to kill him to ensure this newly created peace.

Originally a plan developed since 2017 by the father of the famous TV series Lost Damon Lindelof, the TV series Watchmen will officially launch on October 20, promising to be a replacement for the TV series.

HBO's TV blockbuster Watchmen and 10 things you need to know about this movie (Part 1)

Here are 10 things you need to know about HBO’s upcoming blockbuster Watchmen.

HBO’s I. Watchmen will be a sequel film after the Watchmen comic series ends

HBO's TV blockbuster Watchmen and 10 things you need to know about this movie (Part 1)

Set in 2019 in the city of Tulsa in the state of Oklahoma, USA, HBO’s Watchmen TV series will portray an America thirty years after the events that happened in the Watchmen series, without smartphones.


One of the main characters of Watchmen will be Tulsa police detective Angela Abar, portrayed by Academy Award-winning actress Regina King.

Originally a mother with three young children and an undercover police officer under the guise of a baker, Angela was forced to hide her true identity behind the mask of the female knight Sister Night, to protect her family.

HBO's TV blockbuster Watchmen and 10 things you need to know about this movie (Part 1)

Besides Sister Night, the audience will witness the appearance of a character with a mask like a mirror called Looking Glass.

According to the actor who plays Looking Glass, Tim Blake Nelson, this is also an interrogation detective for the Tulsa Police Department and also a behavioral researcher with antisocial personality disorder.


According to the trailer, the Tulsa Daily announced the death of Ozymandias Adrian Veidt, now old.

HBO's TV blockbuster Watchmen and 10 things you need to know about this movie (Part 1)